AUGUST 9 | Clarinet Master Class: Dolce Music Hall - 10:30am

Students from Yewon Arts School, Seoul Arts High School, and Kyewon Arts High School

Dolce Music Hall | Seoul, South Korea

AUGUST 10 | DOLCE INVITATION RECITAL with Eunhye Grace Choi (piano) - 7pm

Bernstein and Chausson 

Dolce Music Hall | Seoul, South Korea

AUGUST 18 | CAMERATA DUO Recital with Eunhye Grace Choi (piano) - 7pm

Burgmuller, Reade, Cahuzac, Schumann Bernstein, and Chausson 

Camerata Hwang Inyong Space | Seoul, South Korea

AUGUST 28 | Clarinet Master Class: Dolce Music Hall - 10:30am

Students from Yewon Arts School, Seoul Arts High School, and Kyewon Arts High School

Michele Music Seoul | Seoul, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 5 | Clarinet Master Class: Sungshin Womans University - 6pm

Dr. Sooyeon Hong Clarinet Studio

Sungshin Womans University | Seoul, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 7 | Sinakhoe New Music Concert with Oregon Wind Quintet - 7:30pm

Program including the world premiere of Hyunjung Ahn’s “Scenery of Sky” for Solo Clarinet and Two Gayageums

Ewha Womans University | Seoul, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 10 | Dankook University Residency - 3pm

Recital with the Oregon Wind Quintet and Eunhye Grace Choi (piano)

Clarinet and Chamber Music Master Class

Dankook University Concert Hall | Yongin, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 11 | Ewha Womans University Residency - 2pm

Recital with the Oregon Wind Quintet and Eunhye Grace Choi (piano)

Clarinet Master Class

Ewha Womans University | Seoul, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 12 | University of Seoul Residency - 7:30pm

Recital with the Oregon Wind Quintet and Namhee Lim (piano)

Woodwind Master Class

The University of Seoul | Seoul, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 13 | Keimyung University Residency 

Clarinet Master Class

Keimyung University | Daegu, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 13 | Chungnam National University - 4pm

Recital with the Oregon Wind Quintet and Eunhye Grace Choi (piano)

Clarinet Master Class

Chungnam National University | Daejun, South Korea

SEPTEMBER 27-29 | CLARIMANIA International Festival

Recital with Monika Hanus (piano)

Works by Bernstein and G. Miluccio; Ahn Hyunjung’s “A Beautiful Polonaise” (World Premiere)

Clarinet Master Class

Sala Koncertowa AMKL | Wroclaw, Poland

OCTOBER 8 | Montevallo Guest Artist Series - 7pm

Recital with enhake

Works by Mackey, Biedenbender, and Messiaen

University of Montevallo | Montevallo, AL

OCTOBER 28 | Shedd Classical Microphilharmonic - 7:30pm

Recital with Shedd Chamber Players

Works by Mozart and Brahms 

The Shedd Institute Jaqua Concert Hall | Eugene, OR

NOVEMBER 9-10 | The 41st Annual Festival of New American Music

Recital and lecture with enhake

Works by Mackey, Biedenbender, Jean Ahn, and Gabriella Lena Frank

Clarinet Master Class (Nov. 9th 10am)

Sacramento State University | Sacramento, CA

NOVEMBER 9 | Center for New Music: enhake Beyond Messiaen

Recital with enhake

Works by Mackey, Biedenbender, Jean Ahn, and Messiaen

Center for New Music SF | San Francisco, CA

NOVEMBER 11 | Master Class: Conservatory of Music at University of the Pacific

Recital with enhake

Works by Mackey, Biedenbender, Jean Ahn, and Messiaen

Conservatory of Music, University of the Pacific | Stockton, CA

NOVEMBER 11 | Friends of Chamber Music 

Recital with enhake

Works by Mackey, Biedenbender, Jean Ahn, and Messiaen

Faye Spanos Concert Hall | Stockton, CA

DECEMBER 1 | Eugene Symphony Orchestra 

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope live with the film

Section Clarinet

Silva Concert Hall at Hult Center | Eugene, OR

DECEMBER 21-23 | Eugene Ballet/Orchestra Next

Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker

Principal Clarinet

Silva Concert Hall at Hult Center | Eugene, OR

JANUARY 13 | University of Arizona Clarinet Day

Master Class

Recital featuring works by Burmuller, Chausson, Reade, Ahn, and Cahuzac, etc.

The University of Arizona | Tucsan, AZ

FEBRUARY 2 | Mozart Quintet with Zemlinsky Quartet - 7pm

Mozart Clarinet Quintet

Berwick Tykeson Hall | Eugene, OR

FEBRUARY 9-10 | Eugene Ballet/Orchestra Next

Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juliet

Principal Clarinet

Silva Concert Hall at Hult Center | Eugene, OR

FEBRUARY 28 | Guest Artist Recital with Jackie Glazer - 7pm


The University of Oregon

Berwick Tykeson Hall | Eugene, OR

MARCH 14 | Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time with Schroeder-Umanksy Duo and pianist Eunhye Grace Choi - 7pm

The University of Oregon

Beall Concert Hall | Eugene, OR

MARCH 25 | Buffet Showroom Recital and Master Class


Buffet Crampon NY Showroom | New York, NY

MARCH 26 | Master Class: Yale School of Music

Clarinet Master Class

Yale School of Music | New Haven, CT

APRIL 12-13 | The 2nd Annual Oregon Clarinet Symposium

Artistic Director

The University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

APRIL 13-14 | Eugene Ballet/Orchestra Next

Stravinsky’s Firebird

Principal Clarinet

Silva Concert Hall at Hult Center | Eugene, OR

MAY 11 | Korean Martyrs Catholic Church 40th Anniversary Concert 

Recital with pianist Eunhye Grace Choi

Korean Martyrs Catholic Church | Portland, OR

MAY 12 | Mozart and Zwilich Quintet with Delgani Quartet - 3pm

Clarinet Quintets by Mozart and Ellen Taaffe Zwilich 

Temple Beth Israel | Eugene, OR

MAY 14 | Mozart and Zwilich Quintet with Delgani Quartet - 7:30pm

Clarinet Quintets by Mozart and Ellen Taaffe Zwilich 

Temple Beth Israel | Eugene, OR

MAY 16 | Mozart and Zwilich Quintet with Delgani Quartet - 3pm

Clarinet Quintets by Mozart and Ellen Taaffe Zwilich

All Classical Radio Portland | Portland, OR

MAY 18 | Mozart and Zwilich Quintet with Delgani Quartet - 3pm

Clarinet Quintets by Mozart and Ellen Taaffe Zwilich

Christian Science Church | Salem, OR

MAY 19 | Mozart and Zwilich Quintet with Delgani Quartet - 3pm

Clarinet Quintets by Mozart and Ellen Taaffe Zwilich

The Old Church Concert Hall | Portland, OR

JUNE 17-21 | Lift Clarinet Academy

Guest Artist Faculty

Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO

JUNE 24-30 | Chamber Music Northwest Clarinet Celebration

Guest Artist and Juror

Chamber Music Northwest | Portland, OR

JULY 8-12 | Buffet Clarinet Academy

Guest Artist Faculty

Jacksonville, FL

JULY 24-28 | International ClarinetFest


The University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

AUGUST 5-SEPTEMBER 20 | East Asia Tour