2016 Troy University Clarinet Day

With Guest Artists of the 2016 Troy University Clarinet Day

Attending Troy University Clarinet Day has become an annual tradition for me and Grace since we were first invited as guest artists two years ago. I love seeing my wonderful colleague and friend Tim as well as his family. It is also a great perk to meet some amazing clarinetists who travel much farther distances than us (we certainly should not complain about our 6-hour drive when we have someone traveling from South Africa!). This year, it was particularly nice to catch up with Raphael Sanders from SUNY Potsdam and Maria Du Toit, the clarinetist from South Africa who now resides in Netherlands. I also had a great pleasure of finally meeting the renowned studio artist and master mouthpiece craftsman, James Kanter! It was very humbling to hear some very nice compliments from Jim, and I got a very precious mouthpiece that he recently crafted. 

Many thanks to Dr. Phillips for inviting me to play Artie Shaw Clarinet Concerto with Troy University Clarinet Choir, which was actually the North American Premiere of this particular arrangement by Guy Dangain. Thanks to Dr. Benjamin Fraley for his fabulous drum solo in the concerto and making the performance so much fun!

Matt Vance, a wonderful friend, from Buffet Crampon

With Jim Kanter

Troy University Clarinet Day 2015

Troy University Clarinet Day's Artistic Team

It was a privilege to be invited again to the Troy University Clarinet Day again this year. I got to travel with Grace who was much busier playing for all clarinet artists at the event. I caught up with Jean-François from D'Addario and got to meet Jan Jakub Bokun, a remarkable musician from Poland. It was also very nice to see my friend Jeff Brooks who gave a stunning performance of Eric Mandat's work. 

Playing Ciesla's Fantasia Concerto with Troy University Clarinet Ensemble

I admire my colleague Tim Phillips's ability to put together this incredible event and being such a kind and sincere host. I had a great time working with his students and playing Alexis Ciesla's Fantasia Concerto with Troy University Clarinet Ensemble. It is very encouraging that many colleagues working so hard to share their talent and passion with young students in different parts of the country. These are very hard work on our own time, but the reward is tremendous!  

Great to meet some new colleagues and old friends!

One of the artist photos taken at the event!